Friday, February 29, 2008

Lord of the Flies - Friday WEBQUEST

If you're done with your blogs and you want an extra challenge check out these interactive adventures on the web. This is a great way to prepare for today's quiz!

Lord of the Flies: FLASH GAME

Lord of the Flies Adventure Maze

Character Analysis Movie Clips

Lord of the Flies practice QUIZZES

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Blog Prompt 11

Chapter 12: Cry of the Hunters
Write a journal from the perspective of the naval officer at the end of the chapter. What does the group of boys look like from his point of view? What's happening on the island? What hypothesis can the naval officer make about all of this?

Use the following words in your journal:
1. elaborate
2. ululation
3. heave
4. cower
5. visualize

DUE DATE: Friday, February 29, 2008 (9 a.m.)

Blog Prompt 10

Chapter 11: Castle Rock
Write a journal from the perspective of Samneric (this means writing in plural 1st person: We). What do the twins encounter in this chapter. Make sure to include their feelings about:
1) The theft of Piggy's glass and, consequently, no signal fire.
2) The trip to Castle Rock
3) The struggle between Ralph and Jack
4) The death at Castle Rock
5) Being forced to join Jack's tribe

DUE DATE: Thursday, February 28, 2008 (9 a.m.)

Blog Prompt 9

Chapter 10: The Shell and the Glasses
Write a journal from Piggy's perspective. This journal should take place after the events in this chapter. How does Piggy reflect on and process what is happening on the island. Make sure to describe the events in this chapter:
1) The conversation with Ralph (the morning after Simon's murder)
2) The ultimate theft

Use the following words in your journal:
1. shudder
2. gesticulate
3. stifle
4. smother
5. phosphorescence

DUE DATE: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 (9 a.m.)

Blog Prompt 8

Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness & Chaper 9: A View to a Death
Write a journal from Simon's perspective. Make sure to include his thoughts/perspectives on:
1) The Lord of the Flies and his conversation from chapter 8
2) The parachutist
3) Jack's party

Include the following words in your journal:
1. corruption
2. tremulous
3. trickle
4. steadfast

DUE DATE: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 (9 a.m.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blog Prompt 7

Chapter 7: Shadows & Tall Trees
This chapter features the elusive character of Roger. He attends the pig hunting "game" with Robert and accompanies Ralph and Jack up the hill to find the beast. However, Roger is not very talkative and therefore hard to interpret. Write a journal entry from Roger's perspective. Your journal will describe the events of the chapter and explain:
1) What Roger is thinking during the pig hunting game.
2) Roger's thoughts on Ralph as they hike up the mountain.

Use the following vocabulary from Chapter 7 in your journal:

DUE DATE: Friday, February 22, 2007

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

1st Comments are READY!

Alright folks, the first round of comments is up. I've read through your journals and commented on ONE of them. Now it's time to review my comment (along with those of your classmates) and revise your journal. Remember to comment after my comment with your revision and it'll be emailed to me automatically.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lord of the Flies Blog Quest

CHOOSE 4 of the following Blog Quest ideas:

Interview (blog entry)
Write an interview between yourself and one of the main characters in the book.

Recording of quotes (blog entry)
Record yourself reading two of your favorite quotes from the book (thus far) and explain their significance. How does each quote relate to a larger theme in the book? How is it part of the big picture? Include a transcript of your recording.

Character Profiles (side panel)
Create profiles for 4 main characters in the book. Include a 5 sentence description of the character (physical and personality), what they represent and how their actions reveal this. Your profile will also feature a drawing of the character (student created - no stealing from the web).

Pivotal Scenes Drawings (blog entry)
Draw pictures of your 2 favorite scenes in the book (thus far). Include a paragraph that summarizes each scene, explains why it's significant to you and how it's significant to the overall story.

Lord of Psychology (blog entry)
Write a blog that explains how Lord of the Flies could be interpreted as an allegory for Freud's theory of the id/ego/superego. Give specific examples from the book that demonstrate this theory. Include a drawing/diagram that illustrates this.

Symbol Profiles (bottom panel)
Add a component to your blog that explains the symbols in the novel: Piggy's glasses, the conch, the signal fire, the beast. Include a picture of the symbol, a 5 sentence (minimum) explanation of what it symbolizes and how it's used in the story.

Lord of the Song (blog entry)
Write a song about a situation or character in the book. Record your song and post it to your blog, along with the lyrics.

DUE DATES: 2 Blog Quests will be due Wednesday, February 13 (Superman), Thursday, February 14 (TBS)

2 Blog Quests will be due Friday, February 22 (Superman and TBS)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blog Prompt 5

In Chapter 3, Golding reveals Simon's personality through the environment that surrounds him. Write a story about a specific moment in your life. Explain how you felt and what you thought by describing only what surrounded you. Do not directly state your thoughts or words. Make the reader infer your mood, thoughts, feelings and personality.

P.S. You can create a fictional situation if you'd like.

DUE DATE: Monday, February 11, 2008 (9pm)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Simon's in the lead!

As of Tuesday night, Simon is winning the popularity poll with 62% of the vote. Can Jack, Ralph, Piggy or even the dynamic duo, Samneric, pull ahead in the next six days? What is it that makes Simon so dear to everyone's heart? Do you relate to his peaceful demeanor, the compassion that he demonstrates for the littluns, or his connection with nature?

Blog Prompt 4

Chapter 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair
Write a journal entry from Ralph's perspective. How do you feel about Jack? Explain how the hunters are behaving. What do you fear? What can you do to make the situation better.

Your blog must effectively use the following vocabulary words from the chapter:
1. opalescence
2. mirage
3. whimper
4. preposterous
5. incredulously
6. irrelevance
7. implication
8. shrill
9. malevolent

DUE DATE: Wednesday, February 6, 2008 > end of class

Monday, February 4, 2008

QUIZ #1 - Opportunity for 100%

I'd like each and every one of you to get a perfect score on the weekly LOTF quizzes. Earning 100% on the quiz demonstrates your mastery of the material. I want everyone to be a master! I've got a deal for you.

1) Students who earned less than an A (90%) can retake an alternate quiz for the week's material (within a week of the original).

2) Students who earned an A, but missed a few and still want a perfect score, can write a quiz for the material covered in the original quiz (questions and answers). The quiz must be thoughtfully written and include the vocab and main ideas covered in the original quiz. Your quiz must be written in your own words and cannot plagiarize mine or someone else's. By writing this quiz you are demonstrating MASTERY of the material and therefore earn 100%. But here's the icing on the cake! The quiz that you write could be chosen as the official alternate quiz. (Quizzes must be typed, the same length as the original and 100% correct to receive 100% credit).

DUE DATE: Chapter 1-3 Alternate Quizzes written and submitted by Thursday, February 7, 2008

DUE DATE: Chapter 1-3 Quiz Retakes on Friday, February 8, 2008